450 videoportraits made with cell phone
Since people daily have to travel long distances in Mexico City to get from home to work or school and then coming back, subway users employ this medium as a temporary extension of their homes, where they can claim as much privacy and intimacy they need; even when the metro is overcrowded.
Just to win a few minutes a day, travellers keep their minds off from what happens in the carriage during the trip by chatting with their companion, finishing pending work, resting, or having a moment of introspection.
What really matters is that the journey enables travellers to do more than simply move from one place to another, not only by the urge of snatching time in a city where traveling takes so long, but also to take the opportunity to spare some time for oneself.
videoportrait #32 | videoportrait #41 | videoportrait #56 |
videoportrait #123 | videoportrait #197 | videoportrait #201 |
videoportrait #222 | videoportrait #262 | videoportrait #297 |
videoportrait #360 | videoportrait #363 | videoportrait #375 |
videoportrait #395 | videoportrait #412 | videoportrait #343 |
videoportrait #356 | videoportrait #272 | videoportrait #323 |