How to participate

1. What is ZoneZero?
ZoneZero is a website dedicated to the use, publication and analysis of images and to the wide spectrum of photography.  Founded in 1995 by Pedro Meyer, ZoneZero has both witnessed and actively participated in the current digital revolution. ZoneZero appeared online for the first time when the Internet was made accessible to the public, and became the first website dedicated to photography that is still running and growing. We can proudly state that ZoneZero paved the way for the computer to be recognized as a valid means of generating, viewing and sharing photographs. ZoneZero’s name originates from a metaphor on the transformation that photography underwent from analogue to digital. The name refers to Ansel Adams’s Zone System as a starting point in the analogue tradition, and to the ones and zeros that have become the basic DNA for everything digital.

2. How can I take part?
The active participation of our visitors and users is the essence of our website. Users can take part free of charge in a variety of ways and at different levels.
a) As a non-registered visitor.
You can visit all the sections of the site including Community, and have the possibility of leaving commentaries on the articles only.
b) As a subscriber to the News bulletin.
You can register your e-mail account to receive the bulletin published periodically on ZoneZero with new articles, sections, galleries, etc., as well as events and special editions on the website.
c) As an exhibitor or collaborator in different sections 
If you are a photographer, image maker or critical of the image, we are open to receive your proposals. Write and tell us your proposal via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. How can I subscribe to our Newsletter?
From the Register option located in the bottom of the website you can sign up your e-mail account to receive the bulletin published periodically on ZoneZero with new articles, sections, galleries, etc. You will also receive events and special editions inside the website.

4. How can I unsubscribe from the Newsletter?
If you wish to cancel your subscription, open the last news bulletin that you received and in the latter part of the message click on Cancel Subscription.