Will only the initial pulse from whence I came go on trembling on the black paper? —Jose Watanabe.
There is a place where the limits of human experience can be found on the threshold of the senses. Where it doesn’t matter who we are, because our existence in the world is filled by a foreign body. A body that, thanks to the survival instinct, manages to rescue itself from the remains of something lost.
Musuk Nolte (Mexico, 1988). Completed a degree in photography and a Master's at the Center for the Image in Peru. His work takes place between documentary photography and art. He has had six solo exhibitions and participated in several collective exhibitions. He has exhibited at the MALI, Museum of Art in Lima; the SIPF, Singapore Photography Biennial, Recontres D´Arles, the Photoquai Biennial at the Quai Brandly Museum, San Jose Foto in Uruguay, the 3rd Daegu Biennial in Korea, and the Angkor Photography Festival, among others. He has published two books, PIRUW and La Primera Piedra, and directs the publishing project, KWY Editions. He lives and works in Lima.