Sammy Slabbinck and the narrative collage
Sammy Slabbinck is a Belgian artist who appropriates photographic elements and reinterprets them to create his collages. In this sense, Sammy is a collector of images who tries to create a timeless atmosphere by combining photography and illustrations of different times and from very diverse sources, to create narratives with a touch of irony and criticism.
In comparison with other similar works, the composition and concepts of Sammy’s images are very precise. He leaves nothing to chance or free interpretation. His pieces are not only based on aesthetic decisions, for which this technique is often dismissed as artistic experimentation, but he goes further and uses the technological possibilities to take the work to another level. Using stop motion, he generates short animations that contain a particular narrative, using playful and metaphorical resources, and like this he refreshes the traditional collage and offers new possibilities.
In this way, this technique is no longer a purely graphic resource and is fully incorporated into the audiovisual language; thereby achieving an interesting convergence of formats and languages that definitely perpetuate the relevance of the collage as one of the techniques that has accompanied photography from its beginnings.
Baby eruptions | Printing galaxies | On the origin of sewing species |
Dissection Town | Shooting birds | The eternal chase |
David is bored | Playtime | Being a stock photography guy is hard work... |
Was I some kind of nut? It worried her that she couldn't get a charge out of things like others did... |
Shooting breakfast | The Byrds |
Roman selfie | The Monday blues | Image not found |
Broken face | . | What came first? The paper chicken or the egg? |
Ready for lift off | Kanye: happy vs sad | Evolution |